Ram Maheshwari Logo Image
Pranav Dwivedi

Red Wine Quality Prediction Model🍷

This page contains the case study of my Red Wine Quality Prediction Model Project which includes the Project Overview, Tools Used and the link to the project's Github Repository.

Project Image

Project Overview

Wine connoisseurs and enthusiasts often face the challenge of assessing red wine quality. Traditional methods rely on subjective tasting experiences, which can be inconsistent and influenced by personal preferences. This project addresses this problem by developing a data-driven model that can objectively predict wine quality based on measurable chemical parameters, enabling more informed decision-making.

Solution Approach:
To tackle this challenge, we employ the Random Forest Classifier algorithm, renowned for its robustness and ability to handle complex relationships within data. The algorithm constructs multiple decision trees during the training phase, where each tree independently makes predictions. The final prediction is determined by combining the results from all trees, resulting in improved accuracy and resilience against overfitting.

Implementation Details:
Utilizing Python's rich libraries, we begin by preprocessing the data, handling missing values, and normalizing features to ensure uniform scales. The dataset is then split into training and testing sets, preserving the integrity of the evaluation process.
The Random Forest Classifier is trained on the training set, optimizing its hyperparameters through grid search to achieve optimal performance. Once trained, the model is evaluated against the testing set to assess its predictive capabilities.

Results and Evaluation:
The model demonstrates impressive performance on the test set, achieving an accuracy score of 72.5%. This indicates that the model can effectively predict wine quality based on its chemical composition. To gain insights into the decision-making process, we visualize the structure of individual decision trees, allowing us to understand the key factors influencing quality predictions.

This project showcases the power of machine learning in predicting wine quality using chemical parameters. The Random Forest Classifier proves to be a valuable tool for objective and accurate quality assessment, empowering wine enthusiasts and experts with data-driven insights. The model stands as a testament to the potential of data-driven approaches in transforming subjective evaluations into quantitative and reliable predictions.

To know more about my findings and the project, you can visit the project's Github repository by clicking the Project Link button below.

Tools Used

Jupyter Notebook
Random Forest Classifier